WebSite Builders VS Content Management Systems

WebSite Builders

There are many website builder providers on the markets such as wix, weebly, squarespace, etc. It is already a very crowded space and WIX recently even announced AI powered web design called wix ADI.


They all have pre-built template engines, drag and drop components which are easy to use. This usually can get a site up very quick comparing to traditional web design agencies. it is great for inexperienced customers, and these automatic crafted sites generally looking good, thumbs up to those engineering effort. They also offer e-commerce solutions with payment option which is great as well.


However, to offer those convenient solutions to customers and cover all operation expenses to enhance the features, it is general very expensive. that is why they charge a fairly high monthly fee to use their services even with large user base.

They do not provide content management and deep customization when business getting larger., because it is automated templates, it is very difficult for the system to adjust complicated business logic, and the customers can not build the platform infrastructure as general tech companies do. This is not good enough for business that heavily rely on their content distribution, etc., especially for businesses that passed startup stage.

Content Managment Systems

There are many Content Management System on the market as well, such as SiteCore, Kentico, EPI server, these are .Net based framework, and the famous WordPress community, which is php based open source framework. From history, WordPress seems to be the most flexible, developer friendly, scalable, eco friendly open sourced option, there are many web agencies use WordPress to serve their clients.


Website builders are a subset of the features that content management systems provides. Besides web design, Content Management Systems offer a lot more powerful things and are suitable for all types of businesses at every stage, they generally take more learning curve, but can truly take a small business website to a large business platform.

CMS are built for developers and can be enhanced and maintained as any technical frameworks such as NodeJs, etc. that were heavily adopted by most tech firms from wall street to Silicon Valley.


It is not good for inexperience users, to start a business quickly, it might not be the most efficient solution and there are no quick way to get around it.

Free themes are generally not good for a stunning website, premium themes are a lot better but expensive. Many web agency firms are charging hosting, maintenance and development fees, the upfront cost to start the business is a lot higher than automated website builders.

Final words:

Tripunify offers CMS solutions at a very low cost from site setup, to themes/plugins building, feature development and infrastructure maintenance. If you are interested. please contact [email protected] for more details.

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