Software As A Service Development (SAAS)

There are many tech companies today are Software As A Service Development (SAAS) companies and most of them are centralized service companies, meaning those companies own the back end systems that a lot of them were built as micro services which are very scalable especially on the cloud (such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service and Google Cloud Platform), and what they provide to customer are also services which are very profitable such as buy and sell services from eBay, Etsy, Shopify, etc. rather than in earlier 20s, most of software were built using individual machines or VMs.

But today we are embracing a decentralized world, the Purpose of this blog is to post articles to teach you how to build your own platform using frameworks such as kubernetes, Docker, Spring, NodeJs, MongoDB, CouchBase, etc. Tips and Tricks on Linux , and how you can take advantage of these in your own business.

this blog will mostly focus Software As A Service Development (SAAS) and will have less coverage on IAAS (Infrastructure as A Service) Or PAAS (Platform as A Service), because those topics are much bigger and it would add more difficulty to start a business.

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