Run Jupyter Notebooks on CodeSphere Platform with GPU

This tutorial will show you how to run Jupyter Notebooks on CodeSphere Platform with GPU

Step 1: Create Empty or Jupyter Workspace

Step 2: Click WorkSpace -> Setup -> Env Vars -> add Key Value Pair

"PYENV_ROOT" : "/home/user/app/.pyenv"

Step 3: in terminal – run

if install jupyter notebook

pipenv install jupyter --python 3.10

if install jupyter lab

pipenv install jupyterlab --python 3.10

Step 4: after jupyter packages are installed, then activate pipenv via

pipenv shell

if using notebook, run

jupyter notebook

if using jupyter lab, run

jupyter lab

or run without pipenv shell via

pipenv run jupyter notebook

Step 5: click “Open Deployment”

copy and paste the token in the terminal, jupyter environment is accessible.


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