Change Default Linux Shell

Change Default Linux Shell

chsh -s [path/to/shell]

e.g. change default shell to bash

chsh -s /bin/bash

More on Linux Shell

The Linux shell, also known as the command-line interface (CLI), is an essential tool for interacting with your Linux system. The default Linux shell is responsible for interpreting commands, executing tasks, and providing a platform for automation. In this article, we will delve into the world of Linux shells, exploring what they are, how they work, and provide guidance on changing the default Linux shell.

What is a Linux Shell?

A Linux shell is a program that reads commands from standard input (usually the keyboard) and executes them by interacting with the operating system. The most popular Linux shells include:

  • Bash (Bourne-Again SHell)
  • Zsh (Z shell)
  • Fish
  • Dash

Each shell has its own unique features, syntax, and characteristics.

How Does a Linux Shell Work?

When you open a terminal or command-line interface on your Linux system, the default shell is launched. Here’s what happens behind the scenes:

  1. Command Input: You type commands into the terminal.
  2. Shell Interpretation: The shell interprets each command, identifying keywords, variables, and syntax.
  3. Command Execution: The shell executes the command by interacting with the operating system, such as running a program, modifying files, or displaying information.
  4. Output Display: The shell displays the output of the executed command on the terminal.

Changing the Default Linux Shell

Sometimes, you might want to switch to a different Linux shell for various reasons:

  • Personal preference
  • Compatibility issues with certain applications
  • Exploration of new features and capabilities

To change the default Linux shell, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your current shell: Run the command echo $SHELL or printenv SHELL to determine which shell is currently set as your default.
  2. Choose a new shell: Select the desired shell from the list above (e.g., Bash, Zsh, Fish, Dash).
  3. Update your shell configuration file:
    • a. For Bash: Edit the file ~/.bashrc and add the following line at the end: export SHELL=/path/to/new/shell.
    • b. For Zsh: Edit the file ~/.zshrc and add the same line.
    • c. For other shells (Fish, Dash), consult their respective documentation for configuration file locations.
  4. Restart your terminal or system: Exit and re-launch your terminal or restart your Linux system to apply the changes.

Tips and Considerations

  • Be cautious when changing your default shell, as it may affect the functionality of certain applications or scripts.
  • Take note that some shells have different syntax and features compared to others, so be prepared to learn new commands and shortcuts.
  • If you’re switching from Bash to Zsh, for example, you’ll need to update your ~/.bashrc file to use the correct shell configuration.

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